3D Architectural Rendering, 3D interior rendering

Blitz is an 3D Architectual Renderings studio which offers 3D Rendering services like 3D Architectural Rendering, Architectural Visualization Render, 3D Exterior Rendering, Photo-realistic 3d Rendering, 3D interior rendering, Photo-montage 3D Rendering in India, China , Philippines, Vietnam

Realistic 3D Rendering Tips.

Ever wondered why your 3d rendering just don't look very real? Not sure how to make the jump from producing average 3d renderings to consistently creating stunningly realistic renders?
Creating a 3d architectural rendering takes a lot of technical ability. It can take years to become proficient in certain modelling and rendering software. Creating a 3d rendering is a process of problem solving. You can see what doesn't look good and you must think of a solution to make it look better. But in order to do this you have to know your software backwards and be able to recognise the cause and effect of changing certain parameters.
But you could have all the technical ability in the world and still not be able to produce a great render. So what is it that makes all the difference? What makes some renders look amazing while others just look standard?
The number 1 tip I can give to any up and coming 3d rendering artist is: 
To study life. It's that simple.
The only way you can create a photo-realistic 3d rendering is to study a real photo! Or better yet - study real life scenery. You need to pay specific attention to detail.
Study good architectural photography. 
This will not only give you an endless source of inspiration for your 3d renderings but will help you to recognise good composition and lighting. You will learn about the point of interest and the rule of thirds. After all, the main purpose of an architectural visualisation is to visualise a building before it is built. Architectural visualisers are effectively virtual architectural photographers...except we have to build the building as well as photograph them!
Attention to Detail. 
The primary reason why most 3d renderings don't look realistic is the attention to detail. You have to spend time on the details! You have to make sure your 3d modelling is spot on. Then your textures. You will need to add detail to your textures...how often in the real world do you see spotless concrete or tiled wood grain?! Never. Pat attention to your materials and what elements of the scene they are covering.
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